Part 36: What if Metro 2033, But Boring?
What if Metro 2033, But Boring?Welcome back! Last time on ATOM we got our final party member of the conventional route and the game implied we were being controlled by a parasitic worm in our head. The game will proceed to do absolutely fucking nothing with this idea despite it being gated behind thousands of rubles and a personality check, because this is ATOM RPG where everything is terrible.

So, Alexander. No one ever seems to entertain the idea that the worm might move to a new host or any of that, and quite frankly the writers seem to have come up with this idea that is perfect for conspiracy and paranoia by binging on Animorphs and then waking up and realizing they still owed their kickstarter backers a game.

Alexander comes at the same level as Bear and has a bunch of perks assigned. He has the prerequisites for the melee perk we're abusing for autocrits (First Blood) and enough points to take it, but then he completely fucks up and takes crappy stun perks and worthless defense perks. Of course, his AI is not smart enough to go for the eyes and I don't have good weapons for him, so he becomes pack mule #4 who further drains our XP.

Take a good look at this image. See that "talk your way out" there? We are good enough that we can talk our way out of all of the pointless low level encounters on the overworld. Savor this.

Anyway, I got a tip that if you make it to this generator you can clear out the poison gas. The problem is that there are mutant rodents, who, like every character in the game not named Bear Bearovitch, are immune to poison (you don't even get poisoned weapons in this game). They force us into turn based mode so we can't chug antidotes.

Yea we instadie. We'll be back here eventually.

After forty days and nights of wandering the desert cursing how all the random encounters are both tedious and plentiful we make it to Krasnoznamenny.

This guy being here never fails to cheer me up.

So Captain Gordon here is our way to the dead city. Damn, I want fried fish now.

We can use speechcraft to bullshit something about being a fellow seaman and get him down to 5 grand.

We get a short movie of the boat heading to the Dead City. Now, if you've played Metro 2033, you might remember that the characters referred to the mutant and radiation infested post nuclear Moscow as the Dead City.
ATOM is going to take a break from ripping off Fallout to ineffectually rip off Metro.

Because every single mechanical subsystem in ATOM was created by divining smears in monkey feces we are of course hungry enough to get the debuff.

This man wants to discuss philosophy. Now, we could discuss something interesting out of the absolute shit ton of Russian and Soviet culture, or...

We could discuss the trolley problem! It's a lead in to fighting some dude named "Guber" who is taking taxes from people while proclaiming himself "Savior of the Wasteland". We might even do this quest! I don't care!

I browse this guy's wares to see if there's anything interesting (there's nothing interesting) until I realize we're taking a ton of radiation just by standing on the beach. Sure, why not?

While the Mountain Pass of Woes was boring and tacked on, the Dead City is a whole extra map full of things to do.

Of course, because this is ATOM, they're not very interesting things.

There are a bunch of dead bodies near a subway station.

There is also an unfunny retirement joke. Pour one out for Militia Officer Arkadyevich, but at least he didn't survive to be in this terrible game.

If you see this guy you're on the right path. He guards the stalker base where people live in the Metro. It's just like that Metro 2033 game, but where they stripped out all the atmosphere and imagery of a desperate struggle to survived and replaced it with boring and unfunny dialog.

This is another hint for things we may see later.

There's also an unspoken problem with this entire thing.

See, in Metro 2033 (I didn't get that far into it yet, granted) people live underground in the subway because the surface is an irradiated wasteland also filled with poison gas. This is kind of true... as long as you stay in the dead city, but there's seriously a guy with a boat who ferries people over for money. Once you get into the Wasteland proper you can wander over to Krasnoznamenny or something and not deal with all of these mutants and subway life and all that other nonsense.

I'm sure all the NPCs comparing this place to hell are supposed to be a joke, but there's a harbor right there and a guy with a boat. I think he only charges 1000 rubles for the return trip too, and that's really not that much. For all we know you could work it off or something.
Of course, we know the real reason, and that's because it's a reference and coming up with original ideas is hard.

As we enter the stalker base we get a cutscene.

Everyone starts running toward the right and shouting.

This sounds like a hint you should get over there.

The game does it for us.

God this narration just sucks the excitement out of everything.

"The man the other man referred to as Kurdes and the narration box referred to as Kurdes is apparently named Kurdes"
Like, Jesus Christ. I get the game is being marketed in translation, but it's just so clear they didn't give a fuck.

God damn did they hire that fucking owl from Ocarina of Time?

While my actual feelings are option four, this quest wraps up the game's longest sidequest chain, so we'll do it.

Why is the narrator so obsessed with mustaches? Why do we need this virtual reality description, when the dialog is about to make clear Kurdes wants us to continue despite Bomb? Why did these people feel the need to write all these words and pair them with such subpar gameplay?

He "self-appointed" himself into a huge ass office bigger than all the residential space in the station put together, so...

We offered to do that like an hour ago, but here we are. Words rain from the heavens!

God, this is so lifeless.

The dialog at least characterizes Kurdes as a cool headed guy who is good at taking charge of tough situations, but there's just so much crap to wade through.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Behold! A cutscene! There is no escape! The words rain down like fire from an angry God! A man is dead, and I will interject as many adjectives as possible to save our modeling team from doing any work! Everyone is freaking out!
: Another dead body, Kurdes!
: I see that! I will do leadership things now! Clean this up! Jerky, you witnessed some of this, get a drink! Everyone out! Who are you? I said everyone out!
: The game has a label on his portrait, but you think this mustached man is called Kurdes. Mustache. Mustache. Such a funny word. When I was in high school, Ludmila refused to go out with me because I didn't have a mustache. I drank so much rubbing alcohol but it didn't help, and now a mustache is to me what a cigar is to Freud. Mustaaaaaaaaache!
: Hey, what's up, and is this something a disciple of the Cossack Sword can solve?
: Comrade Kurdes is busy, please fuck off.
: Let me narrate this shit despite Kurdes making my narration completely unneeded. Did you know that we can animate this stuff, we just don't want to?
: Well, then, can you help us with the Woodpecker? He's a serial killer leaving bodies all over the place, with the same hole in their skull.
: Do you have a motive or anything useful?
: No, but the detective in the morgue might, go talk to him. Or Jerky, the guy who found the body.
: Why not.
So I'm going to spoil this now: you cannot make any headway on this investigation until you do a quest where you get manipulated by the Conspiracy again. Why are you surprised?

I see we have a real professional here.

We actually do know another homicide detective, Kovalev. I am 99% sure he has nothing to say about this.

Oh, before you get any clever ideas, this has nothing to do with the parasitic worms in people's heads. That would be almost interesting, and you'd expect Alexander/the worm to have a reaction. He does not.

We, in fact, do not

We're snipping all this crap because it's basically "shit we already know". I believe a high Attention gets you more, but again, you cannot solve this case until you do the quest for the motherfucking Postman Conspiracy, dumbass!

Let's just leave.
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Oh, you think our writing's shit? Have two fucking screens of narration, you little bitch! Is it shit now? Huh? Huh?
: Hmm... if I was a criminal, how would I think... I know! If I expose the brain to the sun I can grow weed in it...
: Thinking like a criminal?
: Once again, I "cinematically" narrate this man's actions and feelings in a way that does nothing for the scene and could be done in dialogue.
: Ha ha, yes! It is so nice to meet a fellow master detective! See, serial killers have weird motives that normal people can't figure out, but if my theory is true, than we will have a key to the murderer's personality. Are you a detective?
: I am a wandering disciple of the Cossack Sword and Kurdes asked me to help out.
: Woe, woe is me! I have dawdled and now no one respects me, such that a random wandering swordsman has been asked to help out.
: Easy, man. No need to blame yourself, you've got to know something useful, right?
: Guess I'm subjecting myself to an eternity of ATOM dialogue.

Fun fact, if you drink the vodka without moving it it doesn't count as stealing.

This lady is in the game.

Well wait a minute, are we doing the Prokhanov conspiracy thing or no?
(The answer is these writers have no fucking idea what they're doing)

To reiterate, Bear got struck with magic lightning from a god that blessed him, resisted a psionic attack from a man possessed by a mushroom, and killed a Shoggoth in hand to hand combat with a fucking sword. We are standing next to a man possessed by some kind of mutant Yeerk. Why do we care?

Look, the X-Files had weird stuff happening every week but we cared about Mulder and Scully and while stuff was strange the show didn't constantly feel the need to go "wow vampires aren't real but Scully saw one!11111!!!!!!"

The reason we are suffering this torrent of

Gee, thanks.

Ha ha.

Unless your red shawl can block a chainsaw at close range I have no idea how you can enforce that.

If you don't remember, Steblev let us into his nutcracker themed stash when we paid Dan the ransom.

I'm not sure what that's about, but I also don't care!

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: This woman is very mysterious! She stares right into your soul, and likes what she sees! No, not another sexual partner count... a fairy tale reference gatherer!
: What?
: Some things in this world aren't part of conspiracies, they're fairy tale references. I collect these artifacts. This would be too short, so let me give you an example - I bought the metaphorical needle in a haystack. I am the Architect. I created the matrix. I've been waiting for you. You have many questions, and although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also irrelevant. Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden assiduously avoided, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control. Which has led you, inexorably, here. The first matrix I designed was quite naturally perfect, it was a work of art, flawless, sublime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure. The inevitability of its doom is as apparent to me now as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human being, thus I redesigned it based on your history to more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature. However, I was again frustrated by failure. I have since come to understand that the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind, or perhaps a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection. Thus, the answer was stumbled upon by another, an intuitive program, initially created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche. If I am the father of the matrix, she would undoubtedly be its mother. No, the architect references aren't in the game, but let's be honest, you didn't want to read this long ass wall of text anyway.
: Jesus fucking Christ, that's a lot of words. Wanna buy my nut? I have a Golden Nut I got in a Nutcracker reference for some reason.
: I'll give you 1003 rubles. Now fuck off, I need to find a buyer. No, you can't buy weird artifacts from other dimensions, fuck off!

This guy gives us a quest to go to the "Looter Base" and deliver a piece of paper for 300 rubles. Sure, why not?

If you've played the game before you've realized I made a terrible mistake.

I foolishly believe the Looter Base is not far, so we start walking. You cannot bring the car from the scrapyard here, by the way, because go fuck yourself. Granted, it is a subway tunnel, and the developers wanted you to encounter all of their Metro 2033 ripoff battles.

Now, yes, there are giant rats that attack you in Metro, but the atmosphere is totally different. For one thing, you're playing an FPS in dimly lit subway corridors where you are trying to explore to find resources that are actually limited, unlike ATOM where by now ammunition is extremely plentiful and you can conserve it with a crit sniper build - or you play melee like we do and have absolutely no resources to track at all.

Second, Metro doesn't lazily reuse descriptions like here. There are no wasps in the subway. Presumably they absconded with ATOM Team's editor. I will reuse that joke harder than ATOM Team mindlessly spewing narration.

In Metro, things run out of the darkness and ambush you at close range and you need to shoot them quickly while the men with you usually start flipping out and lighting up automatic weapons. In ATOM, you have a fairly well-lit RPG battle grind, which saps any kind of tension out until you trudge over there and sword a rat in the eyes. The rats are also lazily reused - even the big rat is a rehash of a "Rat Emperor" in the Krasnoznamenny sewers - so the end result is less panicking because you're being jumped and the rats are going to eat your limited health and ammo, and more sighing that you're stuck in extremely tedious combat that has the same solution. Walk to rat. Hit rat with sword. Rat is dead. Get meat. Eat meat.

Now, this sounds cool as shit. Metro had flying mutants called "demons", but the ATOM engine would probably die screaming if they added any kind of flying enemies, so they breath fire. This sounds cool, but I wasn't able to get a single one to do it this run.
I'm not sure if it's better or worse that they didn't add a player usable flamethrower, seeing as they have the animation from the demons. There's even a perk for more fire damage.

The play here is simple. Walk to demon. Sword demon. If a stalker dies you can loot all his shit and his friends won't care.

They have some nice stuff, too. I've been hoarding those grenades because they have a 60% AoE stun chance.

The direct approach is blocked off so we need to go around. This means more slow trudging and more random encounters.

I cannot stress enough how tedious this is. Metro has me constantly on edge. This is just fucking boring.

I assume there were no original enemies in the Unity asset store.

These maps are also stupid huge so once combat ends you get the privilege of watching the sausage festival trudge slowly toward their destination like a small child trying to avoid going to school.

Normally you can talk down overworld bandits, but because these guys are "serious about it" they won't actually listen to you.

Sword bandit. Wait for NPC turns. Take shots. Walk to bandit. Sword bandit. This is not a game that requires thinking or tactics.

Oh boy! Waste my time! Waste it all!

It's fuckin boring! Hell, have like mushroom possessed psykers or something! Anything would be better than the same dumbasses with axes and homemade guns!

You also get these encounters where stalkers rush in to help you, which is why I always stop and help them. The problem is that the stalkers' help is completely unnecessary because the rats are stupid easy. I'm going to compare it to Metro again. Early in Metro there's a sequence where you and a caravan leave your home subway station on a handcart. Two of the three guys you're with get hit with some kind of mind fuckery and get knocked out, and a bunch of monsters start attacking. The third guy is desperately pumping the handcart while mutants start coming at you and you have to shoot them - but your ammunition is limited, the guy is obviously panicking, despite his best efforts all the mutants keep getting on the damn handcar, and the only thing standing between you and death are your guns and your alarmingly low ammo count. Thus when a bunch of other guys in a cart with a flamethrower show up, it is actually appreciated and flamethrower guy becomes your new BFF who will never pay for beer again. It fucking works!

ATOM's enemies never really feel like a fair but difficult fight - either you get one-shot or you steamroll them, so this is never really helpful. The rats are also worthless trash mobs that pose no threat whatsoever.

I think you get the point.

We get a new level and Bear maxes out his Cossack Swordsman skills. I end up putting a bunch of points into throwing weapons because we are going to need that grenade spam before we end the game.

Fidel gets better at loot hauling.

We make it to the Looter Base, when I realize in horror I completely forgot to talk to the NPC back at the Stalker Base for the password.

Yeah we can't pass any of this shit.

I run into a trader and realize I have over 100 cigarettes. At this point I don't care if that guard dies, because fuck this crap. Turns out the merchant is headed to the looter base, so I pay the 40 rubles to fast travel.


YOU FUCKER. Alright.

I go back after the Random Encounter Hell and talk to randos. You can annoy all the stalkers by asking if they're the serial killer. I'm sure this guy won't be important later.

The witness of course saw nothing.

We give the bum 5 rubles, he saw nothing.

This hazmat suit would get us through death tunnel no problem, but I know where there's a free one.

Fidel does not think highly of the local bartender.

We pass the endurance check to drink his prank drink.

This doctor can help with STDs, which thankfully are not a mechanic in this game.

This guy has some shit about a tattoo contest.

This man sucks.

This guy has a whole story about how "Burn" sent him into a murderous rage. I dunno.

This is the guy we want. I'm going to omit the "funny" conversation where Hexogen accuses him of having radiation sickness or where he charges us 1000 rubles for a shitty rumor Alexander told him about ATOM and just say that he gives us the looter base password for free.

There are a zillion random encounters. I think I've made that point.

We give the password and he lets us in. Let's see who's here.

You little bitch! It's our old Sewer Mafia boss who sold us out!

Gah! We had an actually decent buildup going, and you ruined it with this clumsy narration! Boo! BOO!

Shpak fucking sucks. He gets off this one lousy shot.

He then gets brutally decapitated by an enraged disciple of the Cossack Sword while everyone watches.
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: What's up bitch.
: I don't recognize you, I've always been bad at faces. Come on, man, I didn't betray you, it just kind of happened.
: What are you doing here? I swear I'll gut you.
: Hustlin every day.
: So, you played me and I don't like that.
: You can't scare me. I have powerful friends.
: Hook thought he was powerful. Now he's dead.
: Hah! Hook sucks! My friends are SUPER POWERFUL and will crush you, for realsies! Now, stop it!
: Ha ha the bitch is trembling.
: Uh uh! I'm not a bitch! I'm not!
: I will hunt you down and you will never know peace.
: Alright, that's it! I'm gonna kill you! Have five damage!
: An entire screen of dogshit narration pops up to explain why no one backs up Shpak in a fight he started against four heavily armed men and a dog.

Thanks for the money, dipshit.

We're going to take this woman's quest.

It looks pretty harmless, right? Find her missing friend Maxim?

The thing about ATOM I've been emphasizing in this LP is that it has two modes: dull and offensive.

This quest is going to be ATOM wallowing in its own filth. Hell, I only got through part of the dialog with one of the involved characters before starting a fight, and the dialog with the first character at the quest location is just batshit insane and you have to see it to believe it. It's pokemon amputee fetish level bad.

Now, in any other game this would be him getting killed by monsters, but this unassuming woman is about to inadvertently unleash a whole pit of terror.

Uh huh.

This opens up her normal questions, and I am extremely grateful this game predates Wandavision. Instead, we get this.

I was forced to look it up and they did not use Ms. Christie's portrait here.

She has nothing else interesting to say unless we ask her for rumors.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Hi, I'm Agatha. Did you by any chance explore the Metro and find my friend Maxim?
: Uh, no, what's he like?
: It''s not like I like him or anything, baka!
: Any reward?
: Well, he's rich, so he'll pay you.
: Sure, why not. Who are you, anyway?
: I was Agatha all along!
: Like Agatha Christie?
: Ha ha, how original.
: No, I'm serious. I really want to know if you're Agatha Christie the mystery writer.
: Uh -
: See, I have this whole bit where there's a worm in my head that fucks up history, so I'd want your autograph even though she died 50 years ago.
: Lol wtf.
: So know any rumors?
: The Hesperus Star is growing bigger every day! A baleful red light! Weird, huh?
Well, we're cutting the update there. Normally I'd have a vote, but you know what? Executive privilege says we're diving right into the feces.
Next time: Oh you thought the Pizzagate quest was offensive...